Chuan Teik Hin

Welcome to my nutshell

Penang, Malaysia

"The most wasted day of all is that in which we have not smiled"

An unidentified monkey

Being kept as a pet and don't know if it can be found in the wild here in Malaysia. It has humanlike fingers and a large buttock pad for it to sit on.

(Click on image for larger view)

View from my balcony

This image was taken early in the morning while the street lights are still on and daily activities low. Nothing very extraordinary except development is slowly taking place within this small confined area. From modern bungalows to dilapidated wooden huts, stretching right from the foot to the top of the hill, will this place soon be replaced by a concrete jungle? Land is getting scarce and more expensive by the day in Penang.

(Click on image for larger view)